The Adventure Run is a week long jog-a-thon taking place during the school day attempting to virtually run across the Mojave Desert. Students have the opportunity to run for 25 minutes to accumulate as many laps as possible. 3 laps = 1 mile. Students are also being encouraged to record time spent walking or running at home on their Mohave Desert Mile Map. Take a look at some pictures from today's activities.
Paul Staso is ACTUALLY running across the Mojave Desert. 506 miles in 17 days!
Wonderful article! Way to go St. Mark students! I'm looking forward to my upcoming solo run across the Mojave Desert and am so glad that you'll be running with me virtually! Keep stepping and stay fit! - Gotta Run, Paul Staso (
ReplyDeleteNice place to hang out in Dubai is Dubai Desert Safari . the unlimited fun place.